Grecia - ThassosGrecia - ThassosGrecia - Thassos
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Thassos Island - Transport

The main road encircles the island all around the coast and measures 98 km .

Inside the island the traffic is conducted by means of buses which leave from Thassos (Limenas)and Skala Prinos and they arrive in every village and beach on the island. Buses encircle the island three times a day, taking the inhabitants and the visitors to the villages at the seashore, but also to all the beaches.

This way, the tourists can take the morning bus, they can stop at any of the villages at the shore or at one of the island's beaches and in the evening they can go back with the bus that will take them from the same stations.

You can find information concerning the bus schedule where bus tickets are sold or at the drivers.

For more information call: +30 225930 2162

Travel Routes

Travel Routes Bucharest-Thassos